

Naming: interactive & 360 °

With Scapeshift, the app professionals from Lifestream Creations are revolutionizing the way you view indoor and outdoor spaces. solobrand developed the appropriate name for the app and ensured the greatest possible security with extensive trademark research.

solobrand at

The current market research dossier revolves around the "brand". solobrand owner Carsten Mohr reports on everyday life in the naming business.

solobrand at DRadio Wissen

solobrand founder Carsten Mohr in an interview with DeutschlandRadio Wissen on the subject of "Name inventors - the name makes the product". There are some exciting stories to be heard from the work environment and key topics of the naming process.

Naming with "dedication“

Brand advice and name development without real commitment makes little sense to us. “Dedication” is also one of the most important core elements in the self-image of the new private investment company DEDIQ.

solobrand goes to university

The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most successful universities in the country. This is confirmed not least by the top result of the excellence competition of the ABC region (Aachen, Bonn, Cologne). solobrand is particularly pleased to support the University of Cologne in a new project with all of our know-how from brand consulting, name development / name finding and brand research.

Hochschulen bei solobrand

Wir freuen uns über neue Kunden aus dem Hochschulbereich: Gleich zwei große Universitäten vertrauen auf unsere Markenexpertise.

Wussten Sie eigentlich…

...dass allein eine halbe Anzeigenseite in einem klassischen Magazin mehr kosten kann als eine Namensentwicklung? Häufig sind potentielle Kunden überrascht, dass "wenige Buchstaben" nicht ganz umsonst zu bekommen sind. Nun ja, wir betrachten diese "wenigen Buchstaben" als viel mehr: Es ist die Basis Ihres Erfolges.